Online hotel booking

Booking terms and conditions

30% payment upon booking. Settlement of the full amount at check-in.
The Cottages are rented from Saturday to Saturday (7 nights) for the very high season.
Please note that the cleaning of dishes is not included in the price.

Payment method

1) Online:
the most convenient and fastest system (via Visa/Master Card or Credit Card)

2) Bank transfer:
To: Ippo tur

  • Detail: Confirmatory deposit for stay from dd/mm/yy to dd/mm/yy. Name, surname, telephone, accommodation details: Cottage
  • Bank: MPS – Agenzia: Cisliano piazza San Giovanni 60 (BRANCH CODE 1192)
  • IBAN: IT92L0103032940000001277258
  • ABI: 01030
  • CAB: 32940

3) Postal order:
Ippotur S.r.l. Via degli Ulivi, 1
19033 – Castelnuovo Magra (SP)
Detail: Specify name, surname, telephone number.
Accommodation details (Bungalow from dd/mm/yy to dd/mm/yy)

Chiama Ora